Volcano number 26 – Helvellyn

Helvellyn – It’s a mountain (and a volcano) I’ve wanted to climb for years. One of those illusive ones that I could have done a number of times but just never got round to. That was, until earlier this month, when my fiancĂ© and I made our way up to England’s Lake District for a … Continue reading Volcano number 26 – Helvellyn

You’re stronger than you think you are

We’d been sailing all night and were coming up 17 hours on the water. It had been a night darker than coal; no moon, thick dense cloud. I couldn’t even make out the bow of the boat. The wind had been keen and the waves had whooshed. It was anyone’s guess what they looked like … Continue reading You’re stronger than you think you are

Why perfection is a self-limiting belief and counter-productive for goals

Twelve. I had twelve fricken blisters. Twelve annoying, excruciatingly painful blisters; twelve little swollen mounds of encapsulated liquid intent on ruining my life. I sighed, staring at them glumly. The fact none had popped was beside the point. They were there on my feet, in places I didn’t know you could even get a blister. … Continue reading Why perfection is a self-limiting belief and counter-productive for goals

Why comparing yourself to others stops you from being awesome

I was in Taumarunui, New Zealand – Day 68 and 1,032km into #WalkNZ. I was just sitting, eating breakfast, really just minding my own business when the Dutch Te Araroa trail walker sat down next to me and proceeded to interrogate me. “How many kilometres are you walking a day?” was his first question as … Continue reading Why comparing yourself to others stops you from being awesome